About us



任何企业的成功都取决于它的员工. At 九游会平台, we hire individuals who have both a strong work ethic and a good heart. 我们以高薪留住人才, 很棒的好处, 以及每位忠诚员工应得的尊重.



In 2004, Greg left the high-tech world of IBM and Bank of America to found 九游会平台. Greg formed close relationships with other maid-service owners and incorporated the best of what he saw to build a business of value.



欢迎你随时来参观我们的总部. If you don’t have time to drive down, here is a Google “See Inside” virtual tour of our office. Navigate the 360° tour with your mouse or keyboard and explore 九游会平台’ office, 一个房间接一个房间.



九游会平台 helps you live smarter, giving you more time for family, friends, and yourself!


Our house cleaners are trained on 九游会平台' safety procedures and best practices. 我们的员工享有工人补偿金.


只有2%的求职者通过了5步面试. 我们需要的是1)一颗善良的心和2)良好的职业道德.


选择卧室和浴室的数量,约会和放松. 不要压力! 我们会处理你的烂摊子.








九游会平台 都是关于人的:包括你和我们的员工. We could not offer you the best home cleaning service in Dallas without choosing the best professional home cleaners. Our workers are carefully screened for not just their skills but also their character. 事实上,我们只雇佣了不到2%的申请者. 我们是我们的人-最好的!

作为满足和保持我们高标准的回报 我们的信念和使命 转化为行动, 我们通过提供积极的工作环境来奖励我们的团队, 绩效奖金, 生活的工资, 和赞助商 社会事件和活动. Our mission is to enrich the lives of our cleaning artists as much as they enrich yours by keeping your home fresh and spotless.

Meet the management team who tirelessly takes care of our professional home cleaners so they can focus on taking care of you and your family.




Monse is optimistic with a positive sense of humor, regarded as a lady of good will at 九游会平台. Her natural tendency to befriend customers is a coveted personality trait here because it aligns with our view customers are more than just a number; they are our friends and the reason why we are here.




瓦伦提娜 has an uncanny talent with finding the top house cleaning talent in Dallas. Having someone dedicated full-time with finding the best cleaners has made all the difference – while other maid services cherish their few, 表现最好, 在九游会平台,我们所有的员工都是五星级员工.



Froggy可能不是你办公室里典型的精力充沛的人, but don’t let those webbed feet fool you – they’re firmly planted in the heart of our team spirit! 喜欢随着拖把的声音跳来跳去, 青蛙是幕后的绿色机器, 我们征服九游会平台王国的啦啦队长.



耐莉面带温暖的微笑,散发出热情的能量. Her dedication to detail and perfection has propelled her to a supervisory position where she helps our housekeepers excel in-field. Her drive derives from being a single mother of 3 amazing boys for whom she has worked hard to provide for.




Jezzel is instrumental in ensuring we maintain award-winning 客户九游会平台 by sharpening staff’s 客户九游会平台 skills while monitoring staff/customer interactions so nothing falls through the cracks. Ever had a maid service miss a to-do item or even an entire cleaning appointment? Yeah. 这在这里不会发生.



如果说九游会平台有什么是我们喜欢的,那就是精彩的故事. We are so honored when we hear that our help has made the day to day lives of our customers easier, 他们的生活更快乐. Or when we know we helped lessen the stress of a family moving in or out of their house. 或者在一个艰难的赛季之后, 我们可以承担把别人的家打扫干净的责任, peaceful, 也更有趣. 在美好的日子里,这些故事让我们微笑,在艰难的日子里, they help us soldier on with the knowledge that we are truly making a positive impact on the lives of Dallas area families – and that’s all that really matters.

If you’re a newer customer with 九游会平台 or just thinking about having us clean your home, it’s easy to assume we’ve always been a maid service of x cleaners that serves x families each week. 我明白你的意思! 但我们九游会平台公司的故事实际上始于20多年前, 在高科技产业的所有地方.

Greg, 我们的创始人, first moved to Texas in 1993 where he attended and graduated with honors from Baylor University with a degree in Management Information systems and Marketing. Fast forward several years and he was working first at IBM and then at Bank of America. Greg’s time in those fields allowed him to see a very real need in the area as met, 成为朋友, 并开始了解家居九游会平台行业. 2004年,他离开高科技行业,创办了九游会平台 LLC.

The first few years were marked by the humdrum struggles of a new business – finding customers, 打造优秀团队, 以及尝试新事物带来的压力! 缓慢而稳定地, 九游会平台 began to grow and reach more people in the greater Dallas metropolitan area. 随着我们的成长,招聘流程也出现了创新, 调度技术, 客户九游会平台, and customer appreciation that helped us set our maid service apart as a truly unique, 达拉斯的优质房屋九游会平台业务.

随着我们房屋九游会平台九游会平台的发展, 我们从来没有忘记真正重要的是:创造一个干净的, healthy, and enjoyable space for people to enjoy their homes and unwind after a hard day of work. From our first day until now that has remained our passion – to allow customers the chance to take a deep breath, 稍微放松一下, 并且要知道我们已经为他们处理了至少一项主要的家务. This unyielding dedication of adding happiness to our customers’ live by removing the chore of cleaning has been repeatedly recognized. 九游会平台 has earned numerous awards and recognition for our family-owned maid service over the years.

然后到了2020年. We need not recount all the trials of that apocalyptic year since there were so many. 作为一家损失了50%业务的公司, 似乎在一夜之间, 达拉斯地区在疫情爆发时被封锁, 我们很害怕, baffled, 也不确定前进的道路. But just as you allowed us to become a part of your story over the last 20 years, 在2020年,你们挺身而出,帮助照顾我们——你们成为了我们故事的一部分. 我们有很多了不起的 客户继续支持我们 在艰难的财政季节,甚至允许我们为一线工人九游会平台, 是谁劳累过度,连打扫自己的家都不想, 通过为他们的家提供九游会平台九游会平台.

如果说我们的历史教会了我们什么,那就是我们彼此都很重要. We would be hard pressed to be here if it weren’t for our customers loving and unexpected kindness in 2020. 同时, we know our customers have benefitted from our commitment to serving them throughout the years. 我们期待着下一个20年的业务, we are excited to see how that story continues to unfold in surprising and uplifting ways that we cannot possibly guess.


用谷歌“看里面”虚拟参观我们的办公室. Navigate the 360° tour with your mouse or keyboard and explore 九游会平台’ cleaning headquarters, 一个房间接一个房间.




“对九游会平台非常满意. 我会把它们推荐给我的朋友和家人!”